Símbolo de Portugal mundialmente reconhecido, o fado diz tanto sobre a alma lusitana que se torna obrigatório ouvi-lo para quem visita o país e quer realmente conhecê-lo. Cantado de modos diferentes, consoante a região, o fado continua a ter as suas origens envoltas em mistério.
Geralmente é cantado por uma só pessoa, fadista e acompanhado por guitarra clássica, denominada entre os fadistas de viola, e guitarra portuguesa. A origem da palavra fado é do latim “fatum” que significa destino.
Outra teoria sustenta que teria chegado a Portugal sob a forma de Lundum, música cantada pelos escravos brasileiros, e reproduzida pelos marinheiros que chegavam daquelas paragens.
Uma terceira hipótese defende a sua origem nas cantigas da Idade Média: Cantigas de Amigo, Cantigas de Amor e Cantigas de Escárnio e Maldizer, as quais continham características que o fado ainda conserva.
Uma quarta possibilidade é que passou a ser conhecido depois de 1840, nas ruas de Lisboa um dos fados mais antigos é o “fado do marinheiro” que assim como as cantigas de levantar ferro as cantigas das fainas, ou a cantiga do degredado era cantada pelos marinheiros na proa do navio.
A figura do fadista nasce como artista durante as décadas de 30 e 40 e é nesta época de ouro do fado onde os tocadores, cantadores saem das vielas e recantos escondidos para brilharem nos palcos do teatro, nas luzes do cinema, para serem ouvidos na rádio ou em discos, surgem então as Casas de Fado e com elas o lançamento do artista de fado profissional.
Para poder cantar nestas Casas era necessária carteira profissional e um repertório visado pela Comissão de Censura, bem como, um estilo próprio e boa aparência.
Show de Fado em Lisboa com Jantar |
Para poder cantar nestas Casas era necessária carteira profissional e um repertório visado pela Comissão de Censura, bem como, um estilo próprio e boa aparência.
Já em meados do século XX o fado iniciou sua conquista pelo mundo, tornando-se muito famoso também fora de Portugal.
Fado in Lisbon - By Levi Freire Jr
It is usually sung by one person, singer and accompanied by classical guitar, named among the singers of the viola, and Portuguese guitar. The origin of the word fado is the Latin "fatum" which means fate.
There are some versions for the origin of the fado, is one that was born of the songs, sorrowful and melancholic, the Moors who remained on the outskirts of Lisbon, after the Christian reconquest.
Another theory holds that would have come to Portugal in the form of Lundum, music sung by slaves in Brazil, and reproduced by the sailors who came from those places.
A third hypothesis maintains its origin in the songs of the Middle Ages: Cantigas de Amigo, Love Songs and Songs of Scorn and cursing, which contain features that still retains the fado.
A fourth possibility is that it became known after 1840, the streets of Lisbon fado one of the oldest is the "fate of the sailor" who like the songs from leaving the chores of the songs or the song sung by the exiled Sailors at the prow of the ship.
The figure of the singer as an artist is born during the 30s and 40s and this is the golden age of fate where musicians, singers come out of alleys and hidden corners to shine on stage in the theater, the lights of the cinema, to be heard on the radio or albums, do you get the Fado houses and with them the release of fado professional artist.
To sing in these houses was necessary professional portfolio and a repertoire endorsed by the Censorship Commission, as well as a unique style and good looks.
In the middle of the twentieth century fado began their conquest around the world, becoming very popular also outside of Portugal.
Fado in Lisbon - By Levi Freire Jr
Globally recognized symbol of Portugal, Fado says much about the soul that becomes mandatory Lusitanian hear it for those who visit the country and really want to meet you. Sung in different ways, depending on the region, the fate continues to have its origins shrouded in mystery.
It is usually sung by one person, singer and accompanied by classical guitar, named among the singers of the viola, and Portuguese guitar. The origin of the word fado is the Latin "fatum" which means fate.
There are some versions for the origin of the fado, is one that was born of the songs, sorrowful and melancholic, the Moors who remained on the outskirts of Lisbon, after the Christian reconquest.
Another theory holds that would have come to Portugal in the form of Lundum, music sung by slaves in Brazil, and reproduced by the sailors who came from those places.
A third hypothesis maintains its origin in the songs of the Middle Ages: Cantigas de Amigo, Love Songs and Songs of Scorn and cursing, which contain features that still retains the fado.
A fourth possibility is that it became known after 1840, the streets of Lisbon fado one of the oldest is the "fate of the sailor" who like the songs from leaving the chores of the songs or the song sung by the exiled Sailors at the prow of the ship.
The figure of the singer as an artist is born during the 30s and 40s and this is the golden age of fate where musicians, singers come out of alleys and hidden corners to shine on stage in the theater, the lights of the cinema, to be heard on the radio or albums, do you get the Fado houses and with them the release of fado professional artist.
To sing in these houses was necessary professional portfolio and a repertoire endorsed by the Censorship Commission, as well as a unique style and good looks.
In the middle of the twentieth century fado began their conquest around the world, becoming very popular also outside of Portugal.