O Aeroporto Charles De Gaulle, localizado cerca de 25km de Paris, é um dos maiores aeroportos da Europa.
Genial a idéia de disponibilizar aluguel de camas em estações de trem, aeroportos e outros locais onde haja aglomerações de gente exausta. Como o nome indica, trata-se de uma caixa de 2 m x 1,40 m x 2,30 m para se ter momentos de sono tranquilo e descanso.
Genial a idéia de disponibilizar aluguel de camas em estações de trem, aeroportos e outros locais onde haja aglomerações de gente exausta. Como o nome indica, trata-se de uma caixa de 2 m x 1,40 m x 2,30 m para se ter momentos de sono tranquilo e descanso.
As SLEEPBOX oferecem cama equipada com sistema de mudança automática de lençóis, ventilação, alerta sonoro, televisão LCD incorporada, WiFi, plataforma para computador portátil, fones recarregáveis, além de espaço para as malas. A locação é feita a partir de 15 minutos.
Agora só falta chegarem ao Brasil. Passageiros em trânsito, principalmente em Congonhas, agradecem!
Imagine the situation that you are in the modern metropolis, where you are not a local resident, and you have not booked a hotel. It is not comfortable situation, because in the modern, aggressive cities there are no opportunity to rest and relax. If you want to sleep, while waiting your plane or train, it may cause many security and hygiene problems. We believe that urban infrastructure should be more comfortable for people. For this purpose we have developed a device SLEEPBOX. It provides moments of quiet sleep and rest from the city without wasting time searching for a hotel.
SLEEPBOX is a small mobile space (box) 2mx1.4mx2.3m (h). The main functional element in it is a bed 2x0.6 m., which is equipped with automatic system of change of bed linen. Bed is soft, flexible strip of foamed polymer with the surface of the pulp tissue. Tape is rewound from one shaft to another, changing the bed. If a client wants to sleep in maximum comfort, he can take the normal set of bed linen for an extra fee. SLEEPBOX is equipped with a ventilation system, sound alerts, built-in LCD TV, WiFi, sockets for a laptop, charging phones. Also under the lounges is a place for luggage. After the clients exit, automatic change of bed linen starts and quartz lamps turns on. Payment can be made on a shared terminal, which provides the client with an electronic key. It is possible to buy from 15 minutes to several hours.
SLEEPBOX is intended primarily to perform one main function - to enable a person to sleep peacefully. But it can also be equipped with various additional functions, depending on the situation. Application of the device can be very broad, not only in the form of paid public service, but also for internal purposes of organizations and companies.